Book Inc.: A Software Development Parable

Have you ever wondered what your friends at tech companies do? Imagine the following… Book Inc. is a company that publishes a novel (piece of software). The company wants to continuously improve their book, so they release a new, updated version every few weeks (agile methodology).  The novel is twenty chapters long, so the companyContinue reading “Book Inc.: A Software Development Parable”

100 Days of Code, Days 19-20: Spreading the Field with Python

For my last few days on the basketball machine learning program, I decided to test different sets of players to see if the program was as accurate as it was with Lebron and Russel Westbrook. I also decided to see if changing sports or comparing the same player from different years had an impact onContinue reading “100 Days of Code, Days 19-20: Spreading the Field with Python”

100 Days of Code, Day 18: Machine Learning for all NBA Players

Using my old basketball machine learning code as a base, I managed to create a machine learning model that can not only take in differently sized datasets but also gives an output of player predictions on a game by game basis. Let’s break down my code so we can see how Python made building this littleContinue reading “100 Days of Code, Day 18: Machine Learning for all NBA Players”

100 Days of Code, Day 17: Machine Learning, LeBron, and Russ Part 2

Last year, I messed around with the machine learning features in the Python library scikit. I created a program that could tell the difference between LeBron James and Russel Westbrook. Using stats from the first half of the season, the program could determine which stats from games in the second half of the season belongedContinue reading “100 Days of Code, Day 17: Machine Learning, LeBron, and Russ Part 2”

100 Days of Code, Day 16: Lessons Learned so Far

Today I wrapped up development on integrating the Angular app with the GoSQL database. It’s been a long time coming on this one! Everything is now on GitHub if you’d like to see the code. After finishing three small projects in three different languages, there’s a few things I’ve learned that I wanted to share.Continue reading “100 Days of Code, Day 16: Lessons Learned so Far”

100 Days of Code, Days 11-15: WebAPI to the Rescue!

This weekend, I focused on solving the integration issues between my GoSQL database and my Cost Calculator app. To quickly summarize, I was having ptoblems making a TCP/IP call from the app while it was running in the browser as well as with how the app would handle returned data. The solution… As mentioned inContinue reading “100 Days of Code, Days 11-15: WebAPI to the Rescue!”

100 Days of Code, Day 10: With Integrations, the Devil is in the Details

Well, today I have hit a snag. Integrating the GoSQL database with the Cost Calculator app is proving to be a challenge. The 100 Days of Code Challenge only dictates that I spend an hour a day on coding outside of work. Unfortunately, an hour is usually all the time that I have. There areContinue reading “100 Days of Code, Day 10: With Integrations, the Devil is in the Details”

100 Days of Code, Day 9: Child and Parent Components in Angular

Day 9 was spent on final edits to the components in the Cost Calculator Angular app from Days 4-8. A big part of making this app more modular and organized was breaking down the app into child and parent components. Why would you do that? Decoupling portions of the code means that changes only haveContinue reading “100 Days of Code, Day 9: Child and Parent Components in Angular”

100 Days of Code, Days 4-8: Keeping Track of Your Costs with Angular

The wait is over! After a rewarding time rebuilding a house in Houston with the Credera team, I’m back and ready to give you some insights into what I’ve been coding over the last four days. I know everyone was on the edge of their seats all weekend preparing to learn what I’ve been upContinue reading “100 Days of Code, Days 4-8: Keeping Track of Your Costs with Angular”

100 Days of Code, Day 3: It’s Alive!

After 3 days, I finally have working code! My NoSQL database (affectionately known as GoSQL) can receive database commands and properly manipulate data. It may not be pretty but it’s still really rewarding to have a “finished” product in programming language that I had no knowledge of on Monday. Finishing the project required adding theContinue reading “100 Days of Code, Day 3: It’s Alive!”